Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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15-Afghan students from UoL visit PU
15-Afghan students from UoL visit PU

LAHORE: (Sunday, December 24, 2023): Punjab University Pakistan Study Centre organized an ‘Interactive Discussion’ with Afghan students and faculty of University of Lahore on ‘Pak-Afghan Relations: Current Scenario’. On this occasion, Director Pakistan Study Centre Prof Dr Naumana Kiran, Associate Professor Dr Amjad Abbas Magsi, 15 member Afghan students’ delegation, studying at Centre for Security, Strategy & Policy Research, University of Lahore, faculty members and students of PSC were present. Afghan students appreciated efforts of Pakistani government to provide scholarships to them to study in Pakistan. In her address, Dr Naumana Kiran welcomed the participants and said that people to people contact can bridge the gaps and reduce misunderstandings among both the nations. Dr Amjad Abbas Magsi appreciated the initiative of the Government of Pakistan to offer Scholarships to the students from Afghanistan. He advised the Afghan students to focus on the studies and contribute towards the fostering of relationships between the two neighbors possessing varied types of commonalities.